@ Articulate Project Space, Sydney 497 Parramatta Road, Leichhardt, Sydney NSW 2140 Fakt Abstrakcja by Malgorzata Sidor & Wienczysla w Sporecki Opening Reception: Friday 16 November, 6-8pm Artists’ Talk: Presentation on fabs by Piotr Szymor - Saturday 17 November, 1 - 3pm Open Hours: 11am - 5pm, Friday - Sunday, 17 November - 2 December 2018 Facilitated by William Seeto Fakt Abstrakcja is an exhibition by Malgorzata Sidor, Wienczyslaw Sporecki and Piotr Szymor. They are founding members of the Polish Artists’ Association fabs. The curator first met Malgorzata Sidor whilst attending an art event at Lodz in 1993. He connected with Wienczyslaw Sporecki and Piotr Szymor on subsequent visits to Poland when Malgorzata Sidor initiated and organised fabs art projects in Poland, U.K., Wales, India and Ukraine. Associations of artists in Poland are prevalent, even ...